TDA-C01 Test Questions Answers & TDA-C01 Valid Test Registration

TDA-C01 Test Questions Answers & TDA-C01 Valid Test Registration

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TDA-C01 Valid Test Registration - TDA-C01 Valid Dumps Free

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Tableau Certified Data Analyst Sample Questions (Q75-Q80):

You have the following primary data source that contains a dimension named Dorm_Code.

You receive the following secondary data source that contains updated dorm codes.

You need to bring the updated dorm codes into Tableau and use the codes in existing visualizations. The new dorm codes must use the existing field name of Dorm_Code.
What should you do?

  • A. Create a data blend and select Edit Primary Aliases to replace the primary data source alias values with values from the secondary data source
  • B. Bring in the secondary table as a left join to the primary data source. From the Data Source page, select Create Calculated Field in the Dorm_Name field and enter [Dcrm_Name_New] in the calculation window
  • C. Bring in the secondary data source by using relationships. From the Data pane, right-click Dorm_Name select Replace Reference, and then select Dorm_Name_New
  • D. Bring in the secondary data source as a union.

Answer: C

Using relationships: You can use relationships to link the secondary data source with the primary data source based on a common field. This will allow you to use fields from both data sources in your visualization without creating new fields or duplicating data. You can then replace references to update the dimension values. For example, you can use relationships to link the updated dorm codes with the primary data source and then replace Dorm_Code with Dorm_Code_New in your visualization.

Open the Link to Book1 found on the desktop. Open Map worksheet and use Superstore data source.
Create a filed map to show the distribution of total Sales by State across the United States.


check the steps below in explanation.
To create a filled map to show the distribution of total Sales by State across the United States, you need to do the following steps:
Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. This will open the Tableau workbook that uses the Superstore data source.
Click on the Map tab at the bottom of the workbook to open the Map worksheet. You will see a blank worksheet with no marks.
Drag State from the Dimensions pane to Detail on the Marks card. This will create a map that shows each state as a mark. You may need to zoom in or out to see the whole map.
Drag Sales from the Measures pane to Color on the Marks card. This will create a filled map that shows the distribution of total Sales by State across the United States. The color legend will show you the range of values and colors for Sales.
Optionally, you can adjust the color scheme, transparency, size, and borders of the marks by clicking on the Color menu on the Marks card. You can also add labels, tooltips, or filters to enhance your map.

Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. Open SalesVSProfit worksheet.
Add a distribution band on Profit to show the standard deviation from- 1 to 1.

  • A. check the steps below in explanation

Answer: A

To add a distribution band on Profit to show the standard deviation from -1 to 1, you need to do the following steps:
Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. This will open the Tableau workbook that contains the SalesVSProfit worksheet.
Click on the SalesVSProfit tab at the bottom of the workbook to open the worksheet. You will see a scatter plot that shows the relationship between Sales and Profit for each Sub-Category.
Click on the Analytics tab on the left side of the workbook to open the Analytics pane. You will see a list of analytical objects that you can drag and drop onto your worksheet.
Drag Distribution Band from the Analytics pane to Profit on the Rows shelf. This will add a distribution band on Profit that shows the average and confidence interval for each Sub-Category.
Click on the Edit button on the distribution band to open the Edit Distribution Band dialog box. You will see options to customize your distribution band.
Change the Band From value to -1 and the Band To value to 1. This will change the distribution band to show the standard deviation from -1 to 1, which means one standard deviation below and above the average.
Click OK to apply the changes. You will see that the distribution band now shows a narrower range of values for Profit.

You create the following story that contains two story point.

You want to change the story point format to show the current story point number out of the total number of story points.
Which Layout option should you use?

  • A. Caption boxes
  • B. Arrows only
  • C. Dots
  • D. Numbers

Answer: D

To change the story point format to show the current story point number out of the total number of story points, you should use the Numbers option in the Layout tab. This option will display the story points as numbers in a horizontal or vertical sequence, such as 1/2, 2/2. You can also choose to show or hide the next and previous arrows for navigation. The Numbers option will help you indicate the progress and order of your story points more clearly than the other options. Reference:
Creating a Story - Tableau
New in 9.0: Formatting the Story Points Navigator - Tableau
Tableau Certified Data Analyst Study Guide

You have the following line chart that shows the average sales by month.

Which month had the biggest increase in swage sales compared to me previous month in 2019?

  • A. August
  • B. November
  • C. December
  • D. October

Answer: D

To find the month that had the biggest increase in average sales compared to the previous month in 2019, you need to compare the slopes of the line segments between each pair of months. The steeper the slope, the greater the increase. Based on the line chart, October had the steepest slope, meaning it had the biggest increase in average sales compared to September in 2019. Reference:


If you are craving for getting promotion in your company, you must master some special skills which no one can surpass you. To suit your demands, our company has launched the Tableau TDA-C01 exam materials especially for office workers. For on one hand, they are busy with their work, they have to get the Tableau TDA-C01 Certification by the little spread time.

TDA-C01 Valid Test Registration:

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Did the number of Americans who have jobs rise or fall in the latest month, Text and updated labels, As an aspiring IT candidate, you are must desperate to want to pass TDA-C01 Exam Certification under all costs and conditions.

TDA-C01 Test Questions Answers | High-quality TDA-C01 Valid Test Registration: Tableau Certified Data Analyst

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